hey when i enter a server it say this (u must be logged to do that) wat do
i do to move around and all of that shit if i am not logged i cant move
please help :p
XboxMineCraft182 (1 year ago)
this fucking sucks....
Charlie spring (2 years ago)
dident work you where no help
L334Win (2 years ago)
Dude really no one can understand u and horrible mic. Can u play on premium
Legitchinese2 (2 years ago)
it has to be cracked multiplayer
Mason Gary (2 years ago)
dude all it tells me is notin the screen goes black! plz help!!!
Multi1qwerty1 (2 years ago)
its say failed to verify username
Monsterslayer599e (1 year ago)
Thank you I been wanting to go Ina server
Dany Mendez (2 years ago)
dont work !
Chaan Bro (2 years ago)
uploaded 2012 '' I was only like 8'' commented 2 weeks ago XD
Tobias Oldervik (2 years ago)
failed to verify your username
Steven bale (1 year ago)
Is he chewing on hes mic or something?
Le Deerlocan (2 years ago)
It was posted a few months ago.
Wii Blogr (2 years ago)
Thank u SOOOOO much and I'm not even using a Bukkit Server (I plan to but
right know I'm using logmein hamachi) although it spawned me on an island.
still THNX
Dabeast239 (2 years ago)
It it not Far away It means only if you have a real Minecraft account you
can go on it.
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