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How to get a faster internet connection from your internet service provider using troll science! This trick has a zero percent chance of improving your internet and download speeds. Please stop asking me why you can't get faster speeds because you need to just buy it. Send this to your tech-savvy friends for a laugh! Your internet speed can't actually be increased, you'll have to upgrade your plan.
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SerenityFL (21 days ago)
It's amazing how many of you dumbasses don't read the description.
NovaTime (1 month ago)
holy shit i was getting 10 mbps now im on 21mbps!!
MickyMoz (1 month ago)
Try being absurd without wasting peoples time. You owe me two minutes
Terry Walsh (1 month ago)
i am gonna put 3 cables onto the ethernet cable so its 4 x faster....and i
will add another and another until all you need to do is plug in the cable
and ...'.did you see that'? it took less than a second'.....hmmmmm? its
still dragging its feet and one more cable is wrapped thrice twice, one at
each end and ...plug in---never touched the sides! perfect
Quimane Richardson (2 months ago)
so you simply just wrap it around the main wire, without actually stripping
the wires to connect them to eachother?@ThioJoe
Virgil dobra (25 days ago)
where do you live ???? i have a gift for you , sound like a shotgun !
Reza Blade (2 months ago)
I don't get this, you are talking bullshit, but you have 19,093 finger up
for this video.
Probably they give you middle finger up:)
Kevin Mahoney (10 days ago)
LOL... First test was done over Wi-Fi and then the second test was with a
Don Roy (25 days ago)
I know a lot of you are mad about being tricked, but if you looked at the
video detail you wouldn't have been. It says.
Get faster internet by (TROLL) science. It is a a TROLL VIDEO.
I almost had my hopes up but read the description and got the joke. You got
tricked so take it like a MAN or MANLY WOMAN (with a mustache).
Solaire of Astora (1 month ago)
Robert Parker (2 months ago)
Really, I cant believe you got me to watch this, I am an electrician for
God's sake!
Michael Thomas Brown (17 days ago)
Double Your Internet Speed for Free:
Samuel Grimm (21 days ago)
Okay so you have two wires, One wire has 2 ends, and the other one has its
both ends closed..... and you used Kirchoff's theory....... How the fuck
did you do that? The Grey Wire cannot Recieve any Current because it has
its both sides closed! no Current in that wire at all!! And even if you
connect it, the Voltage would split into two halfs, half of it in the Grey
and half of it in the Blue wire, so the Current will also be splitted, It
means the both wires will have the same current and information as the wire
that transmits the current into these two wires..... So I guess you did
well trolling people :D, Yes I've read the Discription lol
Tommy Casey (1 month ago)
You Must Be The biggest Ass Hole ever!
Chris S (2 months ago)
Truly amazes me why IDIOTS would post derogatory comments on this video. If
you don't like it or don't agree then don't fkn watch it. You idiots all
prove your selves to be the dumbest democrats ever. Your the ones fkn up
the whole Country!!! Keep it up Joe, FK these moron tweakers that can't
stand themselves.
Sergio Hernandez (29 days ago)
Lmao u got hella haters keep it up kid if their jealous ur doing something
right tanks for info its usefull
Daniel Varga (3 days ago)
You are the best of the bests !
Danny Kitts (1 month ago)
People please don't try this. I don't know why assholes like this try to
trick people in to doing stupid shit. Your ISP limits your bandwidth. If
they give you 15up and 3 down.... a magic cable wont bypass their threshold
limits set on their switches / routers. Its impossible. Fuck what is
wrong with people.
Sheila Mailett (1 month ago)
What about if you have wireless?
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