- Brand Nubian rapper Lord Jamar sat down with VladTV once again to share his take on the Eric Garner decision and crooked cops in general, saying he's pleasantly surprised that so many young people are peacefully protesting on behalf of those unjustly killed by police. In addition to protests out on the streets, he encourages the masses boycotting huge retail corporations as well, knowing that significant change may come about faster if the public disrupts what these higher-ups really care about; their bottom line.
Lord Jamar is very uplifting to me .I think its really nice to see well
educated brothers speaking about shit. I really mean this when i say this.
You just dont know how much I love hearing Lord Jamar. I can listen to
Jamar talk for hours at a time. Jamar speak on how he feel on certain
topics. I always look forward to watch Lord Jamar videos on VladTV. This
brother has inspired me in so many ways thats i have nothing but respect
for him. After watching his videos i now look at society in a different way
now thanks to you Jamar. And in a good way. Keep doing your thing bruh.
Fuck all these haters and all these racist white motherfuckers. Have a
blessed year for 2015.
Dancgreen2 (7 days ago)
He is 100 % correct. ..GROUP ECONOMICS is the answer. .stop spending with
others outside of the community and only spend with each other. .think if
blacks spent that 1.1 trillion with each other how empowering that would
be? ...
Stryfetc1 (7 days ago)
all the shit you talk Jamar,Vlad asks if you was at the protests in your
city and you say "I was outta town.I was in Arizona" militant as he
come off,but you missed that!!??....cant just talk the talk,gotta walk the
walk too!....or is he like the fake afro-centric brother on "Don't Be A
Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood"?
Moneybagz617 (7 days ago)
Damn Vlad why didn't you post this before the holiday season was over?
Either way keep posting Lord Jamar vids! He says what a lot of industry
cats are too scared to say. Hate him or love him, he keeps it 1,000!!!
SouthwardBrazy (7 days ago)
"Yah Na Da Mean"
Wesley griffin (7 days ago)
Hollow bitch ass Coon comments uplift me? Hollow da don you only get
uplifted off that white. Coca cocaine put glasses on faking like you
Uptown Down (5 days ago)
Black people fucked up in the 60's. They should've kept their businesses
started their own bus lines and stayed eating at their own restaurants, and
only fought for the right to vote equal education funding and job
opportunity. Why was it so important to dine in the same place where people
think you're a nigger. We had our own everything and we gave it up to be
"white like". Today we own very little and still think being around white
people makes us better some how. We gave up our aboriginal american status
and picked up the african lie. We have done everything wrong that a group
of people can do. And all to be accepted by white people a lot of whom want
nothing to do with us. Get it together folks.
Mike Minkov (7 days ago)
In a capitalist world the only way to really vote is with our wallets.
TPF CEO (6 days ago)
Miserable bastard
Reed My Sole (7 days ago)
The main problem is people are still buying and it wont stop.
Dirky d3rk (7 days ago)
All Hail lord hater and enemy of the white man. Hail oh lord Hater!!!!
Ethan Emerson (7 days ago)
lmfao jamar aint got one video out in the streets talking about this shit
BastardGoblin90 (6 days ago)
#Fact Oscar Grant was unarmed and HANDCUFFED and still got shot with the
cop getting off. Then a dude gets choked to death on cam who's unarmed, I
mean even if you're white you gotta see the ridiculousness in that. If
white people got killed like THAT it would be an outrage all over Nancy
Grace, Fox News, and all these other bullshit white media outlets.
WAYNE RILEY (4 days ago)
The fact that black people are talking about group economics scares many
people because it's means black people are going to make their own
businesses and spending with each other and that means a lot of these
disgruntled white dudes will make less money in the market place.
Capitalism serves them better when when black spend our money with them and
this is a threat yo their businesses because they do not want economic
Let them swarm the comments section all they wish as the seed has been
planted. If you're black and reading this practice group economics with
your black people and put your differences aside. If you can work for white
people after all this police brutality you should be able to do business
together for the sake of economic survival.
ANTPHRESSH (5 days ago)
$3R6!0 (5 days ago)
Vlad should ask Lord Jamar how he feels about cooning on The Sopranos.
Invincible Don1 (7 days ago)
He's 100 percent right. Fuck you burning 🔥 up where you live to fucking
prove what? You prove nothing (take note Ferguson) cuz when you wake up &
walk outside, you will see what you did instead of doing the smart thing.
Volcomnukka (7 days ago)
Props to my generations! DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Get involved, protest,
let your feelings be heard about these crooked cops. Hell, 90% of cops are
criminals, they just have the badge on them! Rednecks and conservatives
(synonyms) hate on! Lord Jamar is speaking some truth here!
Taurus Salvati (6 days ago)
Yeah, and the funny thing about that is people are supporting the cops just
as much (predominately white, I might add). Mostly older white people from
what I can see that seem extra Pro-Republican. I agree, though. Boycotts
are much more effective.
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