How To Create A Cracked Minecraft 1.7.2 Server/Get Cracked Client
Cartoon-Craft Playland Part 2 (No Commentary)
Cartoon-Craft Playland Part 1 (No Commentary)
127 ratings | 44890 views
The Code:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Another stupid greedy view guy, who updates the title even if it's
XBLFR0ST (2 years ago)
wtf it say cant find path specified
Agronout PMC (2 years ago)
the cmd dosen't run
Sophia pringle (2 years ago)
what description??
Carlos M. (2 years ago)
1.2.5. (:
Strike Claw (2 years ago)
@ 7:56 It's been WAY more then a month my freind.
Twrmois Lynx (2 years ago)
they can play but wont be able to see mineshafter skins.
Olimius Trollmaster (2 years ago)
whenever i try to enter it says disconnected by server failed to verify
username , please help
Ishmail Rafiq (2 years ago)
Does it work on ubuntu
Youssef elkadmiri (2 years ago)
oh yeah my version is 1.3.2
Cheatscalor (2 years ago)
mind telling me how to do that xD
Andrew Knight (2 years ago)
i need 1.3.2
PokeFreck101 (2 years ago)
doesnt work god dame it i run on windows xp
XENEX1233 (2 years ago)
i ot Java 7 -_-
Johnrider10 (2 years ago)
haha hab 1.2.5 nuub
SkysFallingOnYou95 (2 years ago)
help...It doesnt download the snapshot file so then windows batch files
says "Unable to access JarBukkit snap shot file press any key to
continue....any key....wheres anykey?
Emobunny (2 years ago)
awe crap it says error 500 wt do u do plz help
Ancinema2012 (2 years ago)
Where do we download to updated version then?
Bexieftw (2 years ago)
inside your minecraft folder theres a file with server properties (as shown
in the video) you open it with notepad and change it from true to false.
follow the whole video, just remember to set it to false not true as it
states in the video
Tisfatman (2 years ago)
"Unable to access jarfile Mineshafter-server.jar" ake sure they're in the
same folder with that name and check the versions for it again if it does
not work then watch another vid here is the code i use @ECHO OFF java
-Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar craftbukkit-1.2.5-R3.0.jar PAUSE for my bukkit
server versions might be older by now though.
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