This is why PC gaming has and always will be Beyond Consoles.
Daniel Learmouth (14 days ago)
Those cheeks make him look like a frog...
Bruce Wayne (15 days ago)
Metal Gear Kojima: Sons of Kojima
Hawkadoodle (14 days ago)
oh god whats wrong with his cheek
Swanclipper (2 days ago)
conversation between PS4 and PC
PS: i can run at 60 fps
PC: so can i
PS: i have controllers for a multitude of tasks
PC: i have a multitude of controllers.
one week later
PC: i can simulate water
PS: me too
PC: i can create shadows in realtime with the correct lighting sources and
ambience lighting to best accumulate a real world effect on a human eye
PS: ok fine, that's one good thing, i bet you're jealous that i can be
turned off in a hurry without any damage
PC: that's because anybody who does that doesn't care about you, oh did i
mention i can be modified, updated, improved, overclocked, customized with
hardware and software not to mention the ability to change a real PC game
for added amusement along with the ability to improve an ancient game with
new graphics with a simple mod.
PS: what's a mod? i've never had that, besides if you did manage to mod me,
you'd never be able to have it repaired professionally for an extortionate
amount of cash which is way more than what i'm worth.
PC: anybody who buys one of you is doing so because they don't need to care
about you, look after you, maintain you, clean you, but like you said, any
tampering will result in warranty loss.
Personal computers are not considered a master race for simple reasons,
it's considered the master race on the basis of price, i suggest you
compare a ps4 spec PC with a playstation 4, then i suggest you admire the
price of every pc game, i bet you'd spend at lest 4 times the amount on
game a year on a ps4, than you ever would on PC, PC's adapt, they can
change, be fitted, fixed and easily modified with patience and intelligence
by anybody, you don't need a specific company to do one job for an
incredibly inflated price for the job. seriously consider WHY Pc is
reccomended and indeed exceeds any console ever, my pc is about 2 years
old, with no modifications in those years, and i can run ANY ps4 game on
LOW and it still looks 10 times more impressive, that means, frame rate,
textures, shadows, lighting, smoother game play, more accessible options
for a easier gaming experience, custome keys can make every game similar
depending on how you play that specific game. the controls no matter how
stupid are permanent on console. the graphics wont get better, the frames
wont improve, you wont be able to upgrade for a crisper more beautiful game.
don't bother with "it's the gameplay not it's looks" that's how you start
off with a pc, as long as you can play, it's great, i played for years
before advancing over to a faster frame rate (world of tanks at 12 fps for
nearly 10 months) but now i can admire the beauty and scale of almost any
game i own, oh AND all my games are shareable and recoverable and re
downloadable as long as it's me that does it. no single console bullshit,
any pc can use my games with the correct authorization.
the mods here will be tremendous and insane. i can't wait for rex to be a
playable character (MG FAN since 1998, including nintendo)
Sean patrick (13 days ago)
Cool but WTH is wrong with his cheeks!? lol. I'm sure it's a WIP, look
forward to the mods for this game. Hell, I'm looking forward to playing
more of this, just recently checked it out and def. looking forward to
Phantom Pain. I've never been a *huge* MGS fan yet I still recognize the
series as being one of the best, if not the best, in it's respective genre.
GormlessTosser (14 days ago)
his cheeks are fucking bubbling, holy shit
We'llAlwaysHave VALIS (15 days ago)
Well I certainly find this a better way of swallowing the no David Hayter
pill, I can just consider this a totally different entity now haha
Danne Koon (3 days ago)
My god, his cheeks.
Mayer Yedid (7 days ago)
PC Master Race strikes again. Ribbiting Kojima should be the new mascot for
the Kojima World Order
Xiaolruc (3 days ago)
The power of Mr. Kojima's cheek bones is not to be underestimated, I see.
Max Pigott (9 days ago)
Are his cheeks blowing in the wind or is it just an animation glitch?
Vicko Stojanov (14 days ago)
How do you model-swap? I'd like Snake after the ending. With the blood on
the forehead and shit.
Inferfire (6 days ago)
this should be a secret unlockable character in phantom pain
SoullessMadness (13 days ago)
JukaDominator (13 days ago)
Guys, just picture this as Snake wearing a Kojima masks and it's no longer
Josh B. (3 days ago)
Now I want a mod that replaces every head of every character of mgs5 into
Kojima. MGSV: PHANTOM KOJIMA. A whole new trauma simulator where you, a
victim of wartime sexual assault, see your assailant's face everywhere and
murder the fuck out of each and every one of him, or have him aid you if
they're on your side as some disturbed power trip after he took the power
from you that one fateful time. This message was sponsored by the man
ILoveEpicMusic (14 days ago)
hahahahahaha I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard...
MrMGR1986 (5 days ago)
Fake. He doesn't have his shades on.
Kenji harima (12 days ago)
Puffy Cheeks Kojima :D
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