hey every one last time i showed you how to make a mineshafter account to day i am gonna show to how to make a mineshafter server so subscribe like and leave a comment and have
my site
minecraftdl site
a nice day
this video was posted in 2012, does all this stuff still work (the same) in
2014? 'cause when i opened the minecraft file, i got completely different
files from what he got, and i wanted to know if i was just doing something
wrong? (:
Awfsome (2 months ago)
If you're having trouble finding the server properties, open the file
"eula" and change it from false to true. After that you should be able to
see the list of properties when opening the server properties file with
The Flash (9 months ago)
why does on log and chat doesn come out anything just the present
Gabrielo (darkspongebob11) (11 months ago)
does it work for other people
Nguyenjimbo Gamer (7 months ago)
what link to get
LukiTHEGamer Salazar (4 months ago)
what was that??? 0:51
Ipexidex725 Gamer (11 months ago)
I heard a static
AlexaPlaysMC (11 months ago)
DUDE,mineshafter goes to cracker servers,and minecraft goes o servers.LEARN
CoSMic Clan (11 months ago)
Thx it's work
DespyzMe (11 months ago)
When I open minecraft sever there are no words popping up
Ang tien wen (1 year ago)
Leo Kazuto (10 months ago)
hamachi is a pain...
Oscar Morton (11 months ago)
My friend in a different house can join me but I can??? Plz help
The RC7 Minecraft (1 year ago)
Thanks it work!
Gamingatmine (1 year ago)
my friend from a different house cant conect it literally says cant connect
do u know how 2 fix
Joseph Aisa (1 year ago)
what is a transpig??????? please reply show me what is i ??
IEatFruitCake (1 year ago)
Bugabe Larson (2 years ago)
I'm lost too.... I'm sorry I can not be of service to you :(
Kevin jordan (2 years ago)
what about it crash
Younes king (2 years ago)
0:51 a fart of an enderman XD
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