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Daylyt: War Is the Only Option, Not Peaceful Protests

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http://www.vladtv.com - In this clip from his exclusive interview with VladTV Battle Rap Journalist Michael Hughes, Daylyt shared his thoughts on the grand jury's decision not to indict Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown.

Day wasn't surprised by the decision, because he believes that the American judicial system is designed not to help Black people. Daylyt thinks that a more proper punishment for Darren Wilson would've been to have him fight Michael Brown's father 1-on-1, and if he won, then he'd have to walk through Mike Brown's neighborhood alone and unarmed.

While Daylyt did praise the many Americans who've been out protesting the verdicts for the Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and other similar cases, he doesn't think that peaceful protests are the answer at this point in time. Instead, Daylyt thinks that "war" is the only way to affect change in today's society, and also believes that the people will eventually lose interest in marching and just go back to living their everyday lives.
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PICTURES, IMAGES, PICS, COMMENTS, VIDEO: Daylyt: War Is the Only Option, Not Peaceful Protests
Text Comments (835)
(7 days ago)
How do you think they got this country? Sure didn't protest against the
Ryu Hayabusa (7 days ago)
Tweeting, Protesting & Singing songs these days are useless... in order to
make the machine hear you. you must do something drastic that effects the
machine. like starve it of money...

If black people around the US united went on strike (Withholding there
funds & Service) & demand things change they would because thats alot of
money & Labor no longer going into the system. War isn't something to
strive for, but if the people don't unite peacefully. a revolt is bound to
happen eventually....

Injustice = Civil Unrest = War.
FLYINHAWAIIAN37 (7 days ago)
WE NEED TO CLAP THAT SHIT UP!! #wordtodaylyt
DJYC21215 (7 days ago)
The masses should NEVER be allowed to "do the punishing". They are not
smart enough and are incapable. The fact that people think Wilson was in
the wrong when the big black guy ATTACKED HIM is enough proof that the
masses lack the brain cells required for unbiased decision making for crime
and punishment. If you people think the law is bad now, wait till the
sheepies are allowed to run it. It will be hell for anyone with a triple
digit IQ.

Edit: Hell the masses aren't even smart enough to destroy the police
departments. They would rather destroy their own neighborhoods and
businesses in the riots instead.
DaGod Emcee (7 days ago)
Did this nigga stick up a mexican farmer for his outfit?..... Tf is this
Clever1er (7 days ago)
Rodney Savoy (7 days ago)
Please with this False Flag Shit. The Relationship between Black's in
America and Cop's Always Been Fucked up.
Popetaytv (7 days ago)
Nigga has a point, I think getting more of us on the police forces and
government offices is a better option than war.

But MLK has clearly got as a far as we going to go with peaceful marchings
and protests. But we got to find a new way to get our respect clearly. 
Med E (7 days ago)
Tulsa Oklahoma 1921... That is all, I can understand how pain and loss
would make war seem like the only option, but even when listening to what
he said, rays of logic and common sense still shone through with
statements like "We need to get a venue or warehouse and plan" these are
the beginnings of actions that will benefit the indigenous aka moorish aka
original people of this planet. Jim Crow laws forced us to come together
and build something beautiful in the past. Tulsa and pretty much every
Ancient civilization (pre-neolithic) supports that. Segregation is all I
will say.
Jetson jefferson (7 days ago)
This side of daylyt is cool he hAs a point he not off his goofy shit on
this one
Jake B (7 days ago)
Didnt michael brown try to take the cops gun? Of course you're gonna get
shot for that, I don't see why everyone thinks this was such an injustice
Luey Vivant (7 days ago)
Anyone with a brain knows this whole us (citizrns ) vs. Them (cops) is a
false flag to get our country into a Heightened state of martial law. But
morons being brainwashed and dumbed down by our water fluoride / GMO trash
foods will act on emotion and be lead to a slaughter. Open your eyes fellow
Tiffany Jackson (6 days ago)
This man is crazy. Stop interviewing him! Look at that shit on his face.
Tom Q (7 days ago)
The whole Batman vigilante lets all kick ass idea is all nice and all but
it's going to end up with a lot more of people being hurt, but communities
and police need to work together properly. And the institutional racism
that comes from the top of police hierachy needs to be culled. Here in
England, police actually do a great job. There is little if any hate/police
brutality cases, it may stem from common officers not being armed... so
they actually feel like a normal part of the community and not invincible
gunslingers Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry style.
Seveniscompletion (7 days ago)
Why can't Daylyt drop the gay troll nonsense and act like this 100 percent
of the time?
Philth- E (7 days ago)
One day seventeen76 will happen again, look it up if you dont know what i
mean... and if you do have to look it up go back to history in elementary.
Klash716 (7 days ago)
This nigga has tattoos on his face and dresses like a buffoon. If I were a
cop and you walk towards me fast like I will pull that trigger so fast
you'll think usain bolt is slow. How can you listen to this fool speak real
when he looks like a moron. 
Kyle saavedra (6 days ago)
You need to fuck up they money there's other ways to do that not war
Thatwhiteboy Dylan (5 days ago)
Okay there are way to many people who need to do their research before just
picking a side blindly. there are way to many corrupt police but the mike
brown situation i think he was asking to get shot. thats what ive came to
with the research i did stop blindly following trends. I am glad people are
standing up to police corruption but we need to have educated opinions.
People need to stop making it all about race there are bad black cops just
like white cops and white people are killed everyday just like blacks are
and not all cops are bad just like not all people who arent cops are
criminals. thinking that its all about one race getting together against
another is just ignorance.
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