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How To Dual Boot Hackintosh OSX Yosemite & Windows 10

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For Download links & written instructions: http://bit.ly/1x22D58

How to install OSX Yosemite on a PC: http://bit.ly/1t7JCIB

Hackintosh Build Guides: http://bit.ly/1qY8KBG

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PICTURES, IMAGES, PICS, COMMENTS, VIDEO: How To Dual Boot Hackintosh OSX Yosemite & Windows 10
Text Comments (353)
Cheeky Chris
(2 months ago)
A couple of questions.
1) If I have a 250 GB SSD and a 2TB HDD, will I still be able to use the
HDD on both OSs? I'd use the SSD to install both (just partition it in
half) but I use a HDD as my main file storage, would I be able to access it
on both windows and OSX? Should I partition it in half?
2) Is there anyway to do something like this without having to uninstall

Any help is appreciated! :)
DJordydj (1 month ago)
My new PC is going to have 2 separate SSD drives, so I want to install each
OS in each SSD drive. Does this method work for my plans?
All tech (1 month ago)
Okay one quick question when you have the dual boot installed is there a
way to change the picture of the two icons specifically the one for
mackintosh is ugly I'd like to change it to the Yosemite picture just like
the windows button is a Windows symbol is there way to do this thanks 
Michael Hu (2 days ago)
but i don`t have a mac what could i do
please help
Shade Zepheri (2 months ago)
can i dual boot os x on a pc that already has windows 8.1 installed or do i
have to tweak the filesystem?
Enrique Perez (9 hours ago)
Hello! man you are really good at explaining in simple terms what the whole
process is. a new person to this ambient like me can appreciate this type
of videos. i just have a question, is there any way i can do the dual boot
process of windows 8.1 and yosemite in my laptop laready having the windows
8.1? if not, how can i do it? my laptop is currently running windows 8.1
but i would like to keep it in a small partition and have the big space for
the Yosemite os because i plan to use that as my main os.
Hope i can hear from you soon,
best regards.
Anime Central .Personal (1 month ago)
Do you have any methods to run OSX yosemite from an external hard drive? i
have a 1TB seagate USB drive and i would like to install OSX on it to be
able to boot and run from the external USB onto my Dell xps 13 2015. It
only has 256gb of SSD inside and i would not like to use this space to dual
boot another OS, rather just run the OS off the external drive. IS that
possible? if so could you do/provide a tutorial? 
Teddy Galloway (1 month ago)
Awesome vids! Can this or anything like this be done on a surface pro 3. I
like OS X, but I want a more portable tablet functionality and I hate the


I've read the forums and many people are having issues with touchscreens
and WiFi. But I can't imagine that there is no way to do this. 
TheYellowBottle (3 days ago)
when im creating the partition( i already have windows installed) , its
taking forever and stuck at "preparing to partition"
топэ (6 days ago)
ugh, can anybody help me? i was able to boot the niresh DMG file, but i
cannot access the MAC OS, my computer reboots when selecting it, does
anybody know how to fix it?
Vivek Chopra (3 days ago)
i have hp envy k112tx with winndows 8.1 preinstalled i have also created
that bootable mac osx usb drive but i not able to change my sata settings
in bios actually there is no such option in bios of my laptop and when i
try to boot from mac osx usb apple logo screen comes up for a second and
then it goes away any windows boot up .
what to do now ? please help 
LifeOfMikey (11 days ago)
I just finished installing windows on my mac from a diff tutorial
everythings perfect but they didn't have the multibeast/unibeast thing in
theres, so what do I do now to make it so I choose which OS to run evertime
I start up the computer
Akash Kalghatgi (17 days ago)
+MW Technology help!!!
I've installed boot loader (latest Chimera for Yosemite) and wanted to
install windows. Is it now possible to do so (I mean with the boot loader)
? Do I have to remove the boot loader?
Carson | TF2, CSGO (12 days ago)
For some reason I installed bootloader and all that I cant boot now without
my usb or else it will say operating system not found please help. +MW
Kevin108 (2 months ago)
Can the boot drive be divided into thirds and a Linux option added as
well? I've not used Chimera before.
Rupal Sadh (7 hours ago)
I am planning to buy alienware 13 laptop
Would it be good to do in that ?

Lyov Hovnanyan (7 hours ago)
why it says "System uptime in nonoseconds" when installing mac os x
Lestliness (7 days ago)
Great vid, how about on separate drives? 
Sedated Spectrum (20 days ago)
Is this the same if i already have windows installed
Jeremy Scalpello (3 months ago)
If I already have windows installed and I throw in another SSD for OS X,
can just install the bootloader with OSX on the second drive and have it
work without needing to re install windows?
View all 353 comments

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