After giving up her spot on Cali SMOED last season, Payton Coon made the big move to California. She’s been away from her family, friends, and boyfriend for months while living with a host family. Watch and see who pays her an unexpected visit. Hint, his name starts with a B.
→ Credits ←
Executive Producer: Autumn deVitry
Associate Producer / Writer: Tara Cole
Associate Producer / Camera Operator: O.Z. Ozmen
Editor: Kevin Stalker
Director of Photography: Chris Babers
Production Assistants: Jinny Im, Travis Larson, Michelle Carter, Molvatu Sae-ue, Perola Vieira, Ryan Thomas, Denzel Johns
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I really don't give a shit about these peoples lives outside of cheer.
Chancediamond184 (18 days ago)
I've STOPPED watching this series. It's not about the team anymore, only
small segments of individual people. It's crap.
Unoitnique (18 days ago)
Um ok officially done with this season. We haven't seen anything about what
the TEAM is doing. I really dont care about this extra stuff. This season
is the worst 😴😴😴😤
Alanis Perez (17 days ago)
i dont know why so many people dislike this season... I think its awesome
getting to see smoed on a more personal level than just them practicing. I
really like this season and this episode was super cute! #BRAYTON
Sarah Lynch (18 days ago)
Nothing against Payton & Brandon, they are likable, but Awesomeness Tv: you
suck at producing episodes with good content.
Jesse Castaneda (18 days ago)
Seriously I wait all fucken week to get an episode about someones life. I
understand that you want the viewers to see an inside look on the
individuals on the team, but wheres the comps. and hard hitting practices.
I want an inside look on that but instead all im hearing is how life is at
Laneycheercac (18 days ago)
This is soooo scripted. You can see the microphones on their clothes & it's
boring we wanna see their practices and what the team is working on
Ray Ray (17 days ago)
If you like cheer videos, it would mean the absolute world to me if you
would swing by my channel 😊 I just hit 16,000 subscribers! thanks so
much!!! ❤️
Jessa (18 days ago)
Their relationship may be devastatingly cute and all, but I (and a load of
other viewers). Want. Cheer. This show is called *Cheerleaders*. And I know
cheerleaders have lives outside of cheerleading, but dang, we don't need so
many of these non-cheerleading related videos. Or at least balance it out
more. You know, one backstory video for every two cheer videos.
Fletch2405 (18 days ago)
The third season of Cheerleaders has been really disappointing so far.
Bree Robinson (18 days ago)
I meeeean their first competition isn't even until January... They don't
have anything else to show yet guys so they'd rather show us SOMETHING
rather than having no episodes which people would complain about as well.
MissHarryStyles01 (18 days ago)
So when do we actually get to see the cheerleading part?
HaNnAh (18 days ago)
1yearoffun (18 days ago)
I loved this show. However, if we can get back to the season 1 and 2 of
cheerleaders I would be very happy. Not to be a bitch, but I don't care
about someones boyfriend. Put this in an extra and give me my practice and
competition episodes. Let me know when your episode will actually be about
cheer and then I'll come back to watch. Last weeks episode was great
because it's tradition and I love it, but this weeks was just stupid BS.😒
Roxy galicia (18 days ago)
Do you people not realize that cheer season hasn't really started for
smoed? They're doing episodes and individuals of the team so you get to
know them better and see there lives out of cheer then when competitions
start they will start doing episodes there "normal" episodes again.
Tilly Bertram (18 days ago)
i cannot explain how obsessed i was with series 1 and 2 THIS SERIES IS SO
Madz_carmichael (18 days ago)
It's called CHEERleaders for a reason not lifeleaders
Amy (18 days ago)
When is episode 6 of royal crush coming out?!?🙈💚
CassidythePrincess (12 days ago)
Apparently this week's episode isn't going to be aired. Does anyone know
what was so bad about it/did anyone watch it in the app?
João Ducci (18 days ago)
more than half of the episodes this season were about side stuff that
doesn't even involve cheer... yeah its cool seeing their lives, but that's
what extras is for... we wanna see more of the team and practices, we don't
care who they live with...
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