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Sting: Chris Lines - Mechano Sting - (Creative Commons Licensed, with written permission from composer/producer)
Robin James, you're a genius! I've been looking for a channel where my boy
child can get his hair do on and I found u! We applied your suggestions to
his hair today and he is very satisfied :) Thank you for your expertise, my
good sir.
Luis Gabriel (4 months ago)
Are you Mexican?
Brandon Murray (17 days ago)
+Robin James That's Awesome and very cool my relative told me about that
school, it's pretty good from whatbi hear what did you study? Very cool man
Bartto91 (3 months ago)
I just lose myself in your eyes...
Larry Mary (1 month ago)
He is like the son of Mick Jagger.
Joel Castro (6 days ago)
hi, Greets from mexico, You should do a video of a side part pompadour, it
would help me a lot because the last weeks i just have been in trouble
trying to find the perfect sidepart pomp for my hair and definitely i need
some help, i have hard wavy hair (im using heavy hold pomades)
Marcelo Velarde (1 month ago)
Are you the brother of Graham Norton?
Noelia Brox (2 months ago)
I love your tutorial, you look so nice!!
Christian Kelly (1 day ago)
You are very good at what you do. you helped me find the hair cut I want!
keep it up :]
Timburtonlivesinmybasement3 (6 days ago)
Has anyone told you that you resemble Henry Bowers from "IT" ?
NiTiKING (7 months ago)
ugly motherfucker !!
Albeit O the best (9 months ago)
Orange juice tastes weird after brushing my teeth
Simo Häyhä (10 days ago)
I love it but I have curly hair :(
Jose Sustaita (1 month ago)
what where your hair dimensions/length on the top and sides?
Ironhidewatson (3 months ago)
Been wanting to do this hairstyle for a short time now. Already wear a lot
of Rockabilly type stuff, just get my hair to match. Think I'll have to get
my sides clipped though. Cheers for posting this. Consider yourself subbed
Jake Costa (1 month ago)
Subbed , nice work bro!!'
Sead S (6 months ago)
Can I do this haircut if I have curly hair ? :)
Mw2ManDeMz (6 months ago)
This is the weirdest gay campy gentlemen wannabe I've ever seen, dude grow
out a beard seriously.. Your farcical features do not suit that haircut or
your character to be honest, you seem very old, older than I suspect you
are. Also lose the stereotypical gay/camp attitude, it's too weird lol
ReasonForNo (6 months ago)
that is not a pompadour, you simply slicked your hair back
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