Sorry for the skipping and potato quality! I'm still getting used to recording my videos and I may need to fix some things.
I messed up a few times on the last one. I was distracted and wasn't really paying attention. The real puzzle solving for the last one starts at 5:55.
This mission is pure hell. Ether do unsolvable puzzles or get lost forever
in a maze. You are screwed ether way here. Hate it.
Darkzanaff (13 days ago)
Next time doing something called tutorial try to cut out failed attempts.
Fking great trying to hit sweet spot on video where is actually correct way
to do it.
DragonElf01 (5 days ago)
Thank you this helped alot, the developers were trolling with that last
Ryan Rognas (11 days ago)
I really like how there's no way for you to know the right order to do
these in. It's almost like the dev team didn't bother to think it through
at all...oh, wait...
Andre Santos (1 month ago)
Wow, I've been waiting for some one to upload a solution to this! I never
thought that last one would be so difficult.
AJ DeCaprio (11 days ago)
Thanks for the video. It's much appreciated.
Brandon Reeve (12 days ago)
Solution for 3 is @6:00
JIARVIS NETCODE (1 hour ago)
Juan Paolo Dela Peña (13 days ago)
ApplesauceBandit (27 days ago)
Ok, i like puzzles in dungeons, but this had me on the verge of rage
quitting. Thank you for the upload.
SavoyPrime (15 days ago)
Thanks for posting this!
Rodrigo Martínez (1 month ago)
Thank you, no problems with the first ones but that last one cost me a
controller xD
MANIACheadHQ (22 days ago)
Gayest fucking chickenshit puzzle ever.
SkoomaDealer (17 days ago)
Todd Johnson (1 month ago)
thx for this i was stuck on the last one forever :)
Venrus12312 (1 month ago)
i hate puzzles question wat hapens if u go through the hole
Anna Schoppenhorst (29 days ago)
Thank you! That last one was so hard!
Malorie Kozakiewicz (1 month ago)
Thanks for this! That last puzzle was a beast
Lyrad Rumbley (1 month ago)
Thank you these puzzles were starting to get on my nerves.
Daniel travers (1 month ago)
Thanks alot, the last part was so annoying
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