Thank you very much! Even if this video is old it still worked with my
bukkit server :D
SuperKiro2011 (2 years ago)
Who are you?
DJGiGi12345 (1 year ago)
Nope still having problems.. Still saying "Failed to Verify Username!" I
did everything you told me to do and it still doesn't work.. Please Message
Matt Pennington (2 years ago)
k i have bukkit...when i change it to false and start up my server it says
failed to verify username it worked before but craftbukkit 1.3.2 came out
so i wanted to change to im trying to say when i change it to
false mode it gos back to true (im also clicking file-save trust me i did
save as and everything) if anyonme can help tell me
Eddy lee seng ong (2 years ago)
TheDarkShadowGaming (2 years ago)
it still works
LeeJoongYoung (1 year ago)
can you do a vid of mineshafter can't connect to minecraft(dot) net???
Jeremiah Jackson (2 years ago)
You're saying someone is a kid but your grammar is horrible and you can't
spell hypocrite much.
Umirinbrahs (2 years ago)
so i look for online mode and then u finish the tutorial WTF?
SnOoPy ScOpEs (2 years ago)
dude ur awesome!!!!!it works join my server ip
Alex Hernandez (2 years ago)
so u can play offline nd people can still join nd play?
XXlightpostXx (2 years ago)
this makes no sence it sucks
OMGEASELSification (2 years ago)
Nevermind, I'm just a dumb ass :D
Diamond InTheSky (2 years ago)
Just right click on that and select opne with and select notepad and run.
Joseph babista (2 years ago)
i'm on mac
Lucaskrill HC (2 years ago)
hi. i have the Online on False but i can't play in other server!
Billy bean (2 years ago)
fuck you
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