Dragon Age Inquisition - Leliana's Story (Romanced Dead Warden in Origins) #1 - Companion Conversations
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Sorry everyone! I initially messed up the title with Cassandra's video and
titled it "Leliana Romance" - there can be no romance with Leliana +
Beforethedawnbreaks +viperswhip
Finbar Brolly (1 month ago)
I'm gonna have to disagree with that decision. Traitors deserve an
efficient death, nothing more.
Beforethedawnbreaks (1 month ago)
You can romance leliana?! Yeah! I'm going after her!
Sanguiluna (1 month ago)
I always just stayed silent about the traitor. I'll probably protest when I
do my "Doctor Who" playthrough (minimal violence and killing and solving
problems with dialogue or deception).
Wesley Cox (1 month ago)
I'm going to quote another famous RPG here in regards to your "commentary":
What you can do, can be best done in silence.
Krzysiek Kutyla (5 days ago)
What is that armor u are wearing ?
Darronkiller1 (1 month ago)
someone plz answer this question can u do missions in the game after
beating it
DragonHeart613 (1 month ago)
The way Leiliana speaks about The Warden in this vid sounds totally
different than the way she discusses their romance in a different DA:I vid
I recently saw. Did The Warden corrupt Andraste's ashes causing Leiliana to
attack & thus forced to leave her for dead?
0xXLionHearTXx0 (4 days ago)
ugh... leliana my heart! why you let the gray warden die ç-ç you make her
sad! çAç
Nuckingfutsguy (1 month ago)
could have done wihtout the personal commentary
Rayvell Lp (11 days ago)
What does she say if i played origins on PC ( romanced her ) ans now i play
Inquisition on ps4??
Joe Schmoe (1 month ago)
hmm, I killed that ginger bitch in Origins after poisoning the urn (because
f*ck Andraste) so what the hell is she doing in my Inquisition play
DilophoMS (1 month ago)
If the Warden dies in Origins, Leliana does commit suicide, if she is LI.
ProtectorCrimson (1 month ago)
What is that armor?
Samqueler (1 month ago)
ugg this guys so soft
Jesse Byers (1 month ago)
Is it just me or does she remind you of tali from mass effect
Anthony Ward (1 month ago)
I was thinking the same thing when I asked about her past. I was like uh
wtf Leliana you're forgetting someone.
Drew Bower (1 month ago)
Why can't Leliana be a romance in Inquisition that sucks
Mezuki64 (1 month ago)
glorious isn't it the maker himself has see you for what you are a
cold-blooded murderer beyond hope beyond redemption XD she's becoming more
like Gabriel Belmont and we all know how that ends
Viperswhip (1 month ago)
WTF!!!! Leliana is in love with my Warden, did she die or something?
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