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The evidence clearly shows that Officer Darren Wilson was justified in shooting Michael Brown, so why is this case being hyped by the mainstream media and the leftist political establishment?
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Shanoriya Robinson (1 month ago)
have just done the entire video wearing your robe and headpiece
Puffthecarrier1 (1 month ago)
All you people calling the cop a racist murderer are retarded. Michael
Brown was a thug that had recently robbed a convenience store and tried to
make for a cop's gun. This shit has gone out of hand. People calling the
racist card because the officer is white and the victim was black. Officer
Wilson had no choice. What would've all of you done in the situation?
Take a bullet so you couldn't be accused of racism. Gimme a break. Like
no one has been racist once in their entire lives. Stop being so ignorant.
Michael Brown got what was coming to him and Officer Wilson was just doing
his job.
Charles Carter (1 month ago)
Whether or not the police officer was justified in shooting Michael Brown
is of secondary consequence. The fact is that there is a God in heaven who
has established the civil authorities for the good of society and they do
not bear the power over society in vain (Romans 13:4). In this case Michael
Brown, a thieving, bullying gang member, met God’s justice as he
demonstrated his stubborn defiance of the God- ordained authority. Brown
died in the midst of his sins and it matters very little, in the eternal
scheme of things, how he met his end. The message to society is not ‘let’s
all get together and protest and demand justice,’ the message to society is
unless people confess their sins before God and repent they will perish
also, perhaps at the hands of authority, perhaps in an accident, whatever.
ThisPageStaysREAL (1 month ago)
This british cocksucker needs to go drown himself in a fucking toilet bowl.
"attempting to murder Wilson" WTF is this guy talking about?? You see the
white guy shouting at the cops saying "WTF he had his damn hands up" in
that video from the scene. Who saw him trying to TAKE A GUN? NOBODY.. but
since the cop says it happened and a dead man cant dispute it, it must be
true. Anyways, fuck this guy, ship him back to where ever the fuck he came
from, or is he an example of how alex jones needs to scrape the bottom of
the barrel.
Adam s (1 month ago)
theres a video of 2 contract construction workers who saw the whole thing,
the one guy literally said "he had his hands like this, and theres a white
guy standing next to him complying with the whole thing, another said he
was no threat to you" The Young Turks showed the video and i know sometimes
they can be a little biased but the video is legit. Wilson is a murderer
(I'm white btw).
Paleoriverman (1 month ago)
Good kill. He earned it. Punk ass committed strong armed robbery and then
attacked a cop. Fuck........him. ....and fuck you racists that try to deny
it. You all know he deserved it. Fuck you. WAAAAAAAAA
TheCarin12 (1 month ago)
The facts? This guy is a liar. Not one single person, except officer
Wilson, claim that Brown attempted to grab his gun or wrestled in the car.
This guy is an English racist - most of the people from council estates
tend to be that way.
Thomas Hyde (1 month ago)
Want to know why #Ferguson is a STINKHOLE? Watch this video post.
#Freedom #Opportunity #Equality
Bud Peters (1 month ago)
I bet all the little Boys that pos raped over the years were happy to see
him shot dead..Michael Brown had raped several young boys and many who were
special needs so that their word would not be any good cause they were
special education kids who talked crazy anyhow..But Michael Brown raped one
special needs child in a wheel chair and stole his wheel chair and sold it
after he left that poor kid laying in the yard ass raped and bloody...His
neighbors feared him and the Brown Family cause they terrorized them..The
Father once slapped an elderly woman around at a grocery store parking lot
for her food card and code to use it ..That old lady had to have her jaw
wired shut from being broke cause he slapped her so hard..The whole family
is scum !!I have news of the mother that would surprise nobody..she whored
herself out to hood and passed out VD like kids collecting candy on
Lorajean harris (4 days ago)
I agree with him the cop was doing his job everyone thinks its about the
cop being racist it isn't true cause if that cop didn't do anything he
could have been killed so I am glad that he died because he did stuff wrong
and almost killed a man! and almost made the cop lose his job for something
he was doing for his job and that was watching himself so he didn't get
killed! see if a black man killed a white man or woman nothing would happen
but if a black woman or man was shout by a while cop everyone will think
the white cop is racist signs I am a very young age and I understand it all
and I saw everything on the news about it and it makes me sick that black
people always think white cops who kill black man/woman are racist it is
just so wrong everyone should be treated the same know matter if you are
black or white or even purple blacks shouldn't call other blacks "nigger"
if they don't want white people to say it to them they shouldn't say it at
all I mean why cant white people say it but whatever this world is so
fucked no one will listen
IDEE72 (19 minutes ago)
I think the mistake you're making is mixing the riots with Michael Brown.
The riots started with Mr Brown, the tension due to the number of police
brutality cases helped it escalate and with every right.
And after reading the previous post, if any God and I mean any God awards a
man for killing another, receives no prayer from me. EVER!
Thugs deserve to be killed?
Ad politicians to that list!
Stretch90 (1 month ago)
How was any of that hard evidence?
How can any witness see that Brown was trying to reach for his gun in the
car? Did they have their faces in the suv at the time? No, I didn't think
If Brown was the aggressor and trying to murder Wilson why did he run away
from the cop? Why did Wilson chase him down and shoot him multiple times?
If Wilson is trying to claim that he was charging at him and he tried to
take him down without killing him then why didn't he try shooting him in
the leg??
The best part of this bs story is when Wilson says that he kept seeing
Brown reach by his waistline, pretending that Brown was reaching for a gun
when he obviously didn't have one. What reason did Brown have to reach for
something at his waist?
Wilson's story is full of holes and just points to random acts by Brown
with no logic behind them. Anybody who calls this "hard evidence" doesn't
know what they're talking about.
Handcannon72Vet (5 hours ago)
He looks good to me. on the start pic of this vid. Don`t he look better
than he did in that store, smacking that little Indian guy around and
taking what he wanted and Little did he know in minutes he would be face
down in the street. I like this prone position pic MUCH better. One less to
have to feed, House, And baby thru life or hold in prison to again, Feed,
House Health care Dental care on & On, This works better for me. HE`S DONE.
Now on to the next. Etc Etc.Parasites Who needs them. "He was about to
start Collage" that I have to pay for? No thanks, This is a FAIR outcome.
if you believe that you get out of life what you put in. No free lunch. Get
a job and hold it, Like a Human Freakin Being.Have some pride. Like this
HS Picture, The window to a person`s soul. You can see it in his eyes he
thought he was bad Meat. a thug, dope slinging Loser. He wasn`t going
anywhere except prison, or the grave. Drain on society. Good riddance :)
The sooner the better for the greater good. NEXT.
NICK nikki (22 days ago)
how many crimes has mike brown done in the past 4months? none? good
Adam Geiser (3 days ago)
a good friend of mine is black, and when we were talking about this I
said... "people are convicting this man of murder before he even has his
day in court, and that is not right, that is not the USA." he turns to me
and says "welcome to being black. if you are black and commit a crime you
are guilty in the US court." basically he felt that Darren Wilson is
subject to the harsh treatment most other black criminals are subject to.
and he felt that just about every case involving a black criminal results
in a guilty sentence without the true due process of the law
William C. Deason (15 days ago)
We have cops to stop crime,... it does not matter the race or religion the
only thing thar matters is the truth.
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