Heartland Season 8 Episode 9 The Pike River Cull
Heartland Season 8 Episode 9
Heartland S08E09
Heartland Full Episode
Heartland Season 8 Episode 9
I bet it is that stupid aunt of georgies messing with her life AGAIN.
Jessica Cameron (2 days ago)
has anyone found episode 10
Alijandrea Sadler (5 days ago)
are you going to upload lasts night episode
Jim stark (1 month ago)
boy they have our thoughts wondering how things will go, the next movie,,is
Ty and Amy going to get back to gether,, or are they going to work the
horses and then????? and then The aunt is going to cause problems with Lou
and peter,. and they have a problem with thier marriage, boy something to
keep us all waiting for,, the next month,, boy,would have been nice to h
ave them come upwith a nice 2 hour christmas program to keep the people
hanging on,,,, thanks for getting the story to us......
Isaac Thoreson (26 days ago)
This show has just become like a sope apra
Leah Gibson (1 month ago)
Aoibheann Cassidy (1 month ago)
Why do you have to wait 4 weeks for the next episode?
HorsenaroundinMaine Maine (1 month ago)
Thanks for uploading..but why is it only part screen???
Paeue (25 days ago)
Check out this video on YouTube:
Gemma Hope (1 month ago)
Thumbs up if you are a Tamy fan!
Amy Hampton (1 month ago)
Thank you xx
Great Shows (1 month ago)
Heartland S08E09 The Pike River Cull
Linda Wayne (1 month ago)
wow quick uploading, thanx
Marcuseross (1 month ago)
I am beginning to dislike Lou's character. If she can't realize how self
centered she is then she needs to get a reality check. She wants
everything her way and then blames Peter when she doesn't get what she
wants. I would definitely stay away one day just to get a good nights rest
so I wouldn't have to her complain about her life. It is going to be messy
with the social services butting in now, but I hope the writers start a
divorce storyline between Peter and Lou because maybe it will be a wake up
call for her--either that or just write her of the show.
Jessica Goney (6 days ago)
Abbie lusby (1 month ago)
thank you soo soo sooooo much(: im like crying right now because we have to
wait till jan 11 to watch the new one )):
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