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Two Philadelphia Men Rob Convenience Store at Gunpoint

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http://www.vladtv.com - The Philadelphia Police Department has just released footage of two men robbing a convenience store on Germantown Ave by gunpoint on December 27th around 8:40 in the morning.

Once inside the food market, the first suspect immediately approaches the clerk's window and points his gun inside the opening while suspect #2 attempts to knock down the door between the clerk's counter and the rest of the store, failing to do so. The thieves then switch positions, with suspect #1 attempting to kick the door down 3 times before giving up. Eventually, they both take what they can reach behind the register and make a break for it.

Check out the surveillance camera's footage above.
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PICTURES, IMAGES, PICS, COMMENTS, VIDEO: Two Philadelphia Men Rob Convenience Store at Gunpoint
Text Comments (148)
(7 days ago)
Vlad's new years resolution : Snitch.
Dwight Anderson (7 days ago)
The Niggas that robbed that store are probably watching this and reading
the comments section
D.W. The Prince (7 days ago)
More nonsense & the fuckery continues meanwhile the Economy is collapsing.
And cops are killing & walking free while idiots like this are still
looking for the next come up. Dummies 
DeRussell Masina (7 days ago)
I respect VLAD for this posting! Blacks think crime is a badge 📛 of honor
or something. The man who works HARD for that store 🏪 is the victim, he's
the one we should feel for, not some lazy scum have nots who STEAL. This is
not what real G's do. 
Modisway (7 days ago)
Everyone just start calling him VladStarr
Duce Vasquez (7 days ago)
I used to be proud being from Philly haven't been in a looooong time I need
to get the fuck out of here
Jfliguy (6 days ago)
Let me get this straight: Vlad posted this and he is a snitch?People post
videos on Worldstarr about violent fights and some trifling ass shit and
think your cool.
Police officers do their job and they want to keep black people down.
Black people robbing, killing qnd ruining their communities and they are
trying to a come up and do what they have to do to eat.

What kind of ass backwards world are we living in? I am fuckin done with
this shit. My grandmother and grandfather did not go through countless
bullshit, my dad did not have to live in a world of blatant racism for my
sons to have black ass ignorance be the thing keeping each other down. Yes
I am going to say it, but we are a fuckin Crab Ass Society. 
Kudbe Worse (7 days ago)
They got away with 20 dollars worth of merchandise. But will be charged
with a felony. And do 3-5 for armed robbery. Black people get it together.
Shadohz75 (7 days ago)
You: Vlad is snitching.
Me Vlad always been snitching. You realize he runs his HH channel like a
gossip mag don't you.

You: Vlad is making black people look bad.
Me: No, he's making you n*ggas look bad... not that you need much help
doing that.

You: Vlad is exploiting black people and pushing the gay agenda.
Me: He.. hrmm... can't argue with you there.
Michael Wallace (6 days ago)
Why the hell are you posting this VLAD? This is "helping" add to the stigma
about black people... True, you didn't do the robbery, but damn..you sure
are marketing it.. WTF? 
Hayward Myers (6 days ago)
I'm starting to think Vlad might be getting paid under the table to start
posting crime footage, to program our way of thinking of the black
community. The more we are shown images of crimes done by black ppl, the
more we drink the stigma Kool-Aid thinking that this is all what black ppl
are good for.
However, I hope these guys are brought to justice, and will be punished
accordingly, but I wonder how many videos Vlad could have posted of
non-black store/bank robbers doing the same shit? If you wanna show crime
in America why not show it across the board? Since a crime is committed
every few "seconds" in America I'm sure Vlad could dig up some good
material, like the dude who robbed the convenience store with a pick
axe(who was not black), or the guy who robbed a bank disguised as a black
man wearing a $700 prosthetic mask he ordered ....who alsmost got away with
it too. lol 
Jthmastermind (7 days ago)
Black people. Now watch these two get found/caught and try to pull the race
card. lol.
Dray900 Jr (7 days ago)
Vlad in da fedz 
The Proverbial Hater (6 days ago)
Niggas ribs is touching... Get the pistol and get that money. The store
ain't black owned so fuck it probably so e stinky Arab or Hindu Indian
Crownedfox (7 days ago)
To everybody that dislike the video because you don't like snitching on
criminals, you're a parasite human being. You would probably do the same
stupid shit these morons are doing if you could get away with it... 
Jay Tea (5 days ago)
Funny how Vlad is posting videos like this amidst the police brutality
Illuminati Yung (7 days ago)
I didn't subscribe to vladtv for surveillance & news footage. Fuck
everybody I'm out
West Philly (5 days ago)
Vlad so your running out of people to interview huh, I can watch the news
for this shit. People come to Vladtv for entertainment, as a temporary
escape from reality. You've got ya lines crossed and have now lost focus,
not a good start to 2015. #Unsubscribed 
Michael Lockhart (7 days ago)
I fucks wit Vlad for this one, time to expose you broke ass wanna be
goons..Robbing a convenient store for a couple hunnit dollars, instead of
gettin off ya lazy ass and workin for it..Fuck em..
Randy moo (6 days ago)
Vlad isn't snitching he just wants to perpetuate the media depiction of
black ppl. This shit has nothing to do with rap or celebs.
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