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Mgs5 its officially announced here is the Trailer its awesome
It turns out that Ground Zeroes and Phantom pain are the same game! Are you Excited? Leave some comments!
Just finished up Ground Zeroes. I don't l think I've ever been this excited
for a game in my life 😶 hopefully the PC version won't be too far behind
the console release.
WhyDidIJustEatThat (3 months ago)
my guess is that the hallucinations are caused by brain damage due to lack
of oxygen to the brain when snake went into cardiac arrest (that, and the
chunk of metal lodged in his skull)... But, knowing Kojima, he's gonna make
it a LOT more fantastical.
Perter2duhbomb (3 months ago)
So I'm getting all the games in a collection soon, I've only played ground
zeroes (fucking amazing, it opened my eyes to how modern games hold your
hand through stealth and logical situations)
I've wanted to play mgs for so long due to the unanimous like for it, but
can someone list the games chronologically?
The ending of ground zeroes makes me see TPP comes after yet ocelot is a
villain, yet BB is working for him. My limited knowledge of lore makes this
Swagohamaru Sarutobi (11 days ago)
The person whp says "V has come to" sounds a bit like Sniper Wolf to me and
she did mention that Big Boss saved her and that she joined his ranks.
Maybe we'll be seeing her.
The Uncanny One (1 month ago)
I swear this game will cause me to get PTSD
Seems overly serious after the silly mess that was MGS4, kind of a shame
Michael Reeves (2 days ago)
anyone ever notice that theres gonna be a character names ishmael, and
theres a whale of fire? ishmael is a character in moby dick...
Levap Agub (5 days ago)
Ok, so I've been playing MGS on PSX, MGS 2, MGS 3, MGS 4, still havent
finished MGS Peace Walker and just few minutes ago i finished MGS V Ground
Zeroes. Pretty impressive demo.. All of these happened between 2000 - 2015,
so guys could you please recommend me some really good video about the
entire MGS story, incl. 8bit versions? just to connect dots. thx a lot.
Jua Muj (14 days ago)
I dont get within which part of the games chronologically the Patriots were
born...Its during this game maybe? Beacuse they were made by Zero, Big
Boss, Eva, Sigint and Paramedic, but when?
Evin Paauwe (18 days ago)
This will be the sickest video game ever produced.
Kyle Granville (3 days ago)
An awesome song to go with an awesome trailer I won't be leaving my house
for a while when it gets released
Captloki13 (5 months ago)
Who is "him"?
Kaz ask "what about him?"
IWillWakeYouUp (9 days ago)
I hope so much that this game won't disappoint us all. It's been hyped up
beyond comprehension, and the wait has been and still is agonizing.
Kojima better do Big Boss and his story justice.
DaRkiNGGaMinG (9 months ago)
I completely played ground zeroes....The feeling of metal gear changed a
lot, less cutscenes. Less stuff. And for every side mission (INCLUDING DEJA
VU) It uses the SAME map....That's what i hate. Currently i know the whole
map inside out. And now when seeing this trailer again. i think: This game
is going to be a LOOOT better. And now my feelings raised up 50% of playing
this game. Cant wait for this one. Hopefully it wont turn out like ground
Philip The Darkness March (11 days ago)
What if after this one has finished and the credits have gone at the end we
see a much younger Snake waking up on the couch stretching him self out and
looking at the T.V what had Rambo ( his fav film ) on it and he said ( wow
what a dream it was like it went throw 5 story's and some cut off stories )
I would be like WTF ( IT WAS A DREAM ) and then he said ( right time to get
back to work making toy soldiers and tanks ) it would be like :D
Crackerjack917 (3 months ago)
I'm gonna take a leap and say that snake got the "horn" or shrapnel is his
forehead after this. It may not make sense, but if you pause quickly from
00:22-00:23, there's a quick glimpse of snake's forehead. During that brief
pause, there is no shrapnel in snakes forehead. So where did the shrapnel
come from? Maybe sometime during the incident shown In the E3 trailer when
he's walking through the rubble and burning remains of the village. I have
no clue. I just wanted to share my thoughts and speculation.
Dr. Osmar Hurt (1 month ago)
that....that..is...Pshyco Mantis right???? when he was
TKDBlackbelt4Ever (1 month ago)
Plot Twist. It was ALL Psycho Mantis.
Coony F (4 months ago)
I take it kaz and ocelot are the ones who set the foundations for diamond
dogs at least for big bosses arm and weapons so its probably ocelot helping
kaz that allows ocelot entry into big bosses trust circle because ocelot
has tried to kill big boss a few times I don't think ocelot helping him
after hospital makes big boss trust ocelot. kaz must be with ocelot after
hospital and later he is captured wile big boss is recovering that's why
ocelot knows it was Afghanistan miller was being held the reason I think
this is big boss was really banged up after hospital and would have taken
at least a few weeks to recover and more to regain enough strength to go
back into combat and ocelot says millers been captured for 10 days I would
expect more than 10 days went by for big boss to recover and assemble
diamond dogs he does have fulton recovery and a base in the gamescon
gameplay trailer so that must be a bit into the game at that point I don't
think the game starts in the Afghanistan desert I think it starts else
where and you slowly build up your base before you do anything that's what
I think I know its a paragraph but fuck it had to be said lol
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