- Lord Jamar showed off a pair of sunglasses that were fully equipped with a hidden camera that could be used to fight against police brutality, in this clip from his exclusive interview with VladTV.
Jamar doesn't think that police wearing body cameras will help prevent injustices from occurring on their part, because he anticipates that cops will turn them off when they want to or edit the footage before it can be reviewed. He took out a pair of sunglasses from a company called "Third Eye Watch," which specializes in making various items fully equipped with hidden cameras. The company is owned by Black people, and all of their products are available for under $100.
Lord Jamar believes that people wearing hidden cameras is the only true way to expose police behavior. These types of hidden camera items can be purchased at
niggas bout to use this and walk behind every girl wit a fat ass.
Celsius TheImperial (17 days ago)
to all the the white ppl tht are ignorant commenting on this post...inform
yourself. Most of you grow up sheltered on the outside lookin in. Don't act
like you knw wht goes on in urban communities with these corrupt pigs
because you don't. You hear stories through the media and go on the
internet but never see stfu....and take a walk through those
streets and neighborhoods or live there for a few months then form your
Tyler Olszewski (17 days ago)
Sorry but the mike brown case and the trayvon case can't be compared to the
garner case. Garner was innocent and those two thugs werent.
Diana McFarland (17 days ago)
police brutality isnt a problem if you don't involve yourself within the
realm of illegitimate activities or things that will have the police on
your case
Bubby (17 days ago)
these white people are actually convinced that because black on black muder
exists, police have the right to murder them lmao fucking ignorant ass
Niggas gonna be usin these shades for all the wrong reasons tho lol
Prince of Pride Rock (17 days ago)
I have a way to counteract police brutality and it doesn't cost
$69...$49... Hell, it doesn't cost $1. Since it's the holidays, for the low
price of FREE AS SHIT, I have a product called Shut Up and Follow
Directions. And if you pick it up now, I'll also throw in Stop Resisting
and Challenging Authority.
Every black kid born should be given these at birth to catch these fucking
crooked pigs red handed. Even still its not like the courts will do
anything so people will still need to take justice into their own hands
Evil Ryu (17 days ago)
How would cameras make a difference . Eric gardners death was recorded and
nothing happend. And even if you have a camera on you , what sense does it
make if the footage is only used after your death.
Cola james (17 days ago)
Uptown Down (17 days ago)
Cop: Sir please take your sunglasses off.
Civilian: No officer there is no need for me to.
Cop: Sir I'm not going to ask you again to remove your sun glasses.
Civilian: Officer there is no need for me to remove my sunglasses.
Cop gets aggressive scuffle breaks out glasses go flying off get broken
civilian gets his ass kicked cop claims insubordination and resisting
arrest. Guy gets charged cop no punishment and life goes on.
Cops care nothing about your rights. And will violate them at will.
This is us vs them I won't be surprised if groups of whites start going
around offing blacks calling themselves teaming up with the cops. Things
are only going to get worse, this is what happens when you ignore social
issues and racial tension.
Akon Fenty (17 days ago)
I hope he knows in 3 states its illegal to film / record the police,
recently in Chicago a bill was passed that it is illegal well felony to
film the about buying it for black ppl who take black ppl's
lives too? I'm sick and tired of this biased ways from ppl.
Hi uncle. I get it, but that ain't gon work. The police will probably end
up snatching those glasses with the quickness. Now we're back at square
one. The police need to wear cameras, but that'll just interfere with their
main goal. My advice would be for brothas to just surrender and speak
politely so that you don't end up dead. The tone of voice goes a long way.
Kurt pullen (17 days ago)
This whole going against cops is pushin black community away from the
whites & the powerful community. Will be replaced by the latins.
Johnny Scumbag (16 days ago)
The thing about people like "Lord" Jamar is that they will teach black
youth how to protect themselves against possible crooked cops but they
won't teach black youth how to live good and be successful morally and
financially in their life through music. This is why you can't be listening
to shit this mf says. Less than 100 blacks die from cops a year out of
population of 40 million yet he makes it seem like THIS is the issue black
people need to put toward the front.
Do ordie (15 days ago)
White people always say if you are not breaking the law police won't mess
with you lol do you know how many innocent black people are racially
profiled everyday
Jooney86 (17 days ago)
I like the idea of being able to record any police misconduct that may
occur. However, cameras worn by regular citizens (which cops are not aware
of) don't protect us from anything. The cams are only good AFTER the fact.
I will be checking out the website, though. I might pick up one for myself.