Dragon Age Inquisition: Disbanding the templar order
Added: 1 month ago
From: Kami Shepard
Views: 11152

All comments (1 to 25, 25 total)

Tirasangue (1 month ago)
I thought i'd ask the Templars to join the Inquisition so to be free of the
chantry(Which is, made of myths and legends). However, i realized that if
they disband, the mages will run free, and that will lead to many
problems... I am not sure what to choose.
ShadowSamuel (1 month ago)
I dislike how Cole speaks. He speaks like it was his first time.
Brian Wijaya (1 month ago)
what happen if you choose "He's too dangerous. Kill him."
Helix blood (22 days ago)
they btch either way for both choices n for both sides
Nikz200 (1 month ago)
How did u get barris to survive
Ethan Stansmore (1 month ago)
Sounds like this inquisitor is making her order the only one with power XD

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