Added: 3 months ago From: Boss Life Wavy Views: 156807
All comments (1 to 50, 384 total)
Boss Life Wavy (9 days ago)
My bad if I haven't been responding to everybodies comments on this video,
it hasn't been showing up in my Youtube notifications. Much love to all
y'all that have watched this video and have subscribed to my channel
Charles Jones (26 days ago)
+Boss Life Wavy idk why the myplayerstore and mypark wont show up on my
career mode but it only shows the myplayerstore in the options features. I
got my shoe deal and created my shoe but fot some reason it only shows the
2k generic shoes in the home and away section. Im always connected to my
internet I dont know whats the deal
Rajkimar Harlie (1 month ago)
My shoes won't be equipped what should I do
Air | Pwnage (1 month ago)
I just got my nike shoe deal but for some reason when i load up nba home
and go to shoes theres just a loading symbol and after about 20 seconds it
goes away and i cant go to Nike and the 2k shoe doesnt even show up.
YouMadOrNah100 (5 days ago)
I messed up I think.. My first season I played I think about 10 games.. I
got carried away with simming the I'm like 3rd year I'm rated
82 I made it to the all-star game and playoffs is like 10 games away. Am I
Jdm stance (3 days ago)
We should play 2k on rec center on xbox one hmu mallydagreatest
Young Money (1 month ago)
I got my Jordan contract, but still. I can't were any shoes.
There's no real technique here, just play the game without simming and
you'll get the deal eventually. If you already simmed, it doesn't matter,
keep playing games.
James Leonard (1 day ago)
I'm still having problems with getting my shoe deal. I won the championship
with Orlando my rookie year now I'm with Chicago and we're in the playoffs
and still no shoe deal. I can't even customize my generic shoes because it
won't even let me wear them for some reason. What the Hell!!!
Did you get your sprint b endorsment yet cause I already made my signature
shoes and everything but when I go to put shoes on there's only the 2k tab
not any other shoe tab
Guys you have to play 48 games as a starter with out swimming any games
Drayden45 (12 days ago)
You have a horrible record bruh lol
Kaotic HD (1 month ago)
So far I met Jackson once, got sprint endorsement A, made an all star team,
met pharell and I still don't have it. Anything that I'm missing l?
Darryl Anderson (2 months ago)
I talked to Jackson Ellis one time I don't have my park or the store I sim
through a couple of games why haven't I got the Nike or jordan deal yet
Jacoby Pittard (7 days ago)
+Boss Life Wavy add me on xbox 1gt: FlipTHEKINGJP
Nicholas Ferguson (2 months ago)
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I got the Nike Deal, I created my
shoe, I purchased it, but it doesn't ever come up in the Away/Home Menus
Just the Park/Scenes Menu? Any Idea on how i can get it to show up in the
Away/Home Menu? Only One Shoe Pops up on that Menu and Its the Default 2K
IamMartian (2 months ago)
im a vet now and i still dont have my shoe deal, 2 millionish followers, 86
rated, 12 min quaters and have averaged about 28 ppg in my seasons, what
Tori Johnson (1 day ago)
I got my shoe deal but I'm offline
Jesus shuttlesworth (23 days ago)
hey man, i cant connect to the 2k server and playing my career offline. any
tips on how to play mycareer online to receive VC? i just got the shoe deal
and cant find where to equip nikes. pls help
Eric pollard (13 days ago)
So y'all telling me if you wasn't logged on the Internet shit you have to
do my career shit over again if so fuck this game I got it for sell
Wrigley's Chewing Gum (2 months ago)
Aye I just got my Gatorade deal in the second round of the playoffs (Game
3). Do you think I'll still get my shoe deal.
Brandon Aytch (17 days ago)
I have my shoe deal with nike but when I try to equip them it doesn't save
someone please help me ?
Michael glover (15 days ago)
Can't wear any shoes and I'm sign to nike what do I do
Andre Wilson (15 days ago)
yo I signed with Nike, but I got sp & when I go to the NBA home screen it
only shows 2k shoes. Can someone help me?
Gedeon Kisule (15 days ago)
i'm in my 3 season.. no deal... i think i ain't gonna sim any game this
Randy Mahaffey (2 days ago)
im trying to get my nike deal
Nidarius Watts (24 days ago)
Are the psn servers for ps4 down currently? Cause i think the workers went
on break.
Non Human (3 months ago)
Did complete all the endorsement if not which one didn't you do
Jamar Freeman (21 days ago)
How many games does it take to get your shoe deal
Quantai Richardson (22 days ago)
When u sign with nike can u wear both Jordan and Nike??
Juno Zhen (1 month ago)
I have read all the comments, a lot of people have the same problem as me
"CAN NOT EQUIP SHOES", we already signed the shoe endorsement, and the
shoes are all owned, but when we exit the HOME/AWAY screen and go back, it
just the 2k shoe!! Can anybody help!?
Ben Cola (2 months ago)
Someone please help I simmed only like 2-3 games in the 2nd season and a
lot of games in the 1st season and I'm pretty deep into my 2nd season right
now please help
Erik Diaz (10 days ago)
Ugh my show won't equip
Calvin Brogdon (1 month ago)
that's crazy whenever i equip a shoe then start up a game i'm back wearing
the 2k shoe. i'm signed to nike
T3hundredd (2 months ago)
You can still get the deals no matter what! if u sim it takes longer
meaning if u sim a whole season u got to play a whole season and some to
get the deal that's what happened to me so I put it on 6 min quarters and
played 4-6 games a day or more to play a whole season I got it in my 4th
season in January! But If u dnt sim u get it in the second season.
3astMon3ySnip3r (1 month ago)
Im in my 2nd season in the playoffs jackson ellis has not talked to me once
should i be worried?
Kenneth Johnson (3 months ago)
I have to start over because I'm in my 5th and no shoe endorsement. I
should've simulated all those games.
Tae Roscoe (1 month ago)
Ok I got my Nike shoe deal , but it's not letting me choose the Nike shoes
it keep coming up as the ugly ass generic shoes
Johnson Li (1 month ago)
How come my shoes can't be equip I go to nba home I press equip then when I
leave the screen it goes back to generic again?
Franchisejr15 (2 months ago)
How long did this take? my shit taking forever breh lol
Jakub Tomczyk (1 month ago)
I have not simmed one game since the start and im 10 games into my third
season and I still have not got this. Help!?
NEDDY (5 days ago)
I'm in my 2nd season and i'm playing in a playoff final, i already talked
with Jackson Ellis, but i didn't get a shoes, i talked with him in my first
season , will he talk with me again? Or i will just get the offer?
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it hasn't been showing up in my Youtube notifications. Much love to all
y'all that have watched this video and have subscribed to my channel
career mode but it only shows the myplayerstore in the options features. I
got my shoe deal and created my shoe but fot some reason it only shows the
2k generic shoes in the home and away section. Im always connected to my
internet I dont know whats the deal
and go to shoes theres just a loading symbol and after about 20 seconds it
goes away and i cant go to Nike and the 2k shoe doesnt even show up.
got carried away with simming the I'm like 3rd year I'm rated
82 I made it to the all-star game and playoffs is like 10 games away. Am I
you'll get the deal eventually. If you already simmed, it doesn't matter,
keep playing games.
with Orlando my rookie year now I'm with Chicago and we're in the playoffs
and still no shoe deal. I can't even customize my generic shoes because it
won't even let me wear them for some reason. What the Hell!!!
to a game they aren't equipped
shoes and everything but when I go to put shoes on there's only the 2k tab
not any other shoe tab
met pharell and I still don't have it. Anything that I'm missing l?
through a couple of games why haven't I got the Nike or jordan deal yet
shoe, I purchased it, but it doesn't ever come up in the Away/Home Menus
Just the Park/Scenes Menu? Any Idea on how i can get it to show up in the
Away/Home Menu? Only One Shoe Pops up on that Menu and Its the Default 2K
rated, 12 min quaters and have averaged about 28 ppg in my seasons, what
tips on how to play mycareer online to receive VC? i just got the shoe deal
and cant find where to equip nikes. pls help
do my career shit over again if so fuck this game I got it for sell
3). Do you think I'll still get my shoe deal.
someone please help me ?
only shows 2k shoes. Can someone help me?
on break.
"CAN NOT EQUIP SHOES", we already signed the shoe endorsement, and the
shoes are all owned, but when we exit the HOME/AWAY screen and go back, it
just the 2k shoe!! Can anybody help!?
lot of games in the 1st season and I'm pretty deep into my 2nd season right
now please help
the 2k shoe. i'm signed to nike
meaning if u sim a whole season u got to play a whole season and some to
get the deal that's what happened to me so I put it on 6 min quarters and
played 4-6 games a day or more to play a whole season I got it in my 4th
season in January! But If u dnt sim u get it in the second season.
should i be worried?
should've simulated all those games.
it keep coming up as the ugly ass generic shoes
leave the screen it goes back to generic again?
season and I still have not got this. Help!?
with Jackson Ellis, but i didn't get a shoes, i talked with him in my first
season , will he talk with me again? Or i will just get the offer?