Videos in category “Наука и техника”, 1 to 23 of the (approximately) 999

Ebola: A cultural challenge
Ebola: A cultural challenge
Nature reporter Erika Check Hayden travels to Sierra Leone to meet the officials fighting the spread of Ebola. More on Ebola here, including Erika's blog fro...
Views: 3440 Nature video
La Web of Knowledge a través de FECYT
La Web of Knowledge a través de FECYT
Este vídeo muestra todos los contenidos a los que puedes acceder con la Web Of Knowledge y todos los servicios que ofrece la Fundación Española para la Cienc...
Alexander Gorlov - Helical turbine for power and propulsion systems - Interview
Alexander Gorlov - Helical turbine for power and propulsion systems - Interview
Oversized eggbeater to the rescue Alexander Gorlov's helical turbine is leading the way in hydroelectric energy. The device's innovative design and inherent flexibility enables the turbine...
Views: 1957 EPOfilms
These bionic legs are better than yours: Marvels of engineering
These bionic legs are better than yours: Marvels of engineering
MIT's Media Lab and Hugh Herr have developed a novel way to help the disabled walk again. CNN's Rachel Crane explains. Build Tomorrow is a dedicated to celeb...
Views: 7808 ExxonMobil
Questões resolvidas da OBM -Segunda fase, nível 3 , Questão I, 2013 .
Questões resolvidas da OBM -Segunda fase, nível 3 , Questão I, 2013 .
Se gostarem ficam convidados a se inscrever no canal e clicar no botão "gostei" e compartilhar nas redes sociais, isso ajuda muito, obrigado !XD. . Provas e gabaritos da OBM para consulta:...
Views: 1530 Física & Matemática F.M
Konstruktion og installation af Hejre olie-og gasplatform 2014 (Danish)
Konstruktion og installation af Hejre olie-og gasplatform 2014 (Danish)
Få et indtryk af, hvordan det største olie- og gasprojekt i den danske del af Nordsøen i mange år bliver gennemført. Hejreudbygningen forlænger Danmarks status som selvforsynende med...
Views: 441 DONGEnergyCorporate
Das Konnektom - Ein Netzwerk im Gehirn
Das Konnektom - Ein Netzwerk im Gehirn
Nervenfasern verbinden verschiedene Areale im Gehirn miteinander. Forscher wollen dieses Netzwerk kartieren und verstehen wie die funktionell verschiedenen Z...
Views: 1567 MaxPlanckSociety
Boeing, SpaceX Deal Means Return Of U.S. Manned Spaceflight
Boeing, SpaceX Deal Means Return Of U.S. Manned Spaceflight
NASA awarded contracts to both Boeing and SpaceX Tuesday to carry out manned missions to the International Space Station. Follow Zach Toombs: http://www.twit...
Views: 1790 Newsy Science
Season's Greetings from SES
Season's Greetings from SES
No comments.
Views: 170 SESVideoChannel
Ψηφιακός Πρωταθλητής Κύπρου 2015 / Digital Champion 2015
Ψηφιακός Πρωταθλητής Κύπρου 2015 / Digital Champion 2015
Ο Ψηφιακός Πρωταθλητής Κύπρου για το 2015. Μάθετε περισσότερα εδώ: The Digital Champion for 2015, Cyprus. Find out more her...
Views: 236 European Commision Cyprus
Il Dato è Tratto, progetto 3° classificato #Censimenti Data Challenge
Il Dato è Tratto, progetto 3° classificato #Censimenti Data Challenge
Alessio Dragoni, di SciamLab presenta "II Dato è Tratto" a Smart City Exhibition 2014. Il progetto è risultato 3° classificato nella #Censimenti Data Challen...
Views: 117 Videoistat istat
Beamline for schools - see how last year's winners got on at CERN
Beamline for schools - see how last year's winners got on at CERN
See what high-school student teams – Odysseus' Comrades from Varvakios Pilot School in Athens, Greece and Dominicuscollege from Dominicus College in Nijmegen...
Views: 1511 CERN
IIT Madras IAR Special Lecture by Dr. Subra Suresh - Part1
IIT Madras IAR Special Lecture by Dr. Subra Suresh - Part1
Subra Suresh, an IIT Madras Alumnus is the ninth president of Carnegie Mellon University where he began his tenure on July 1, 2013. Prior to assuming this ro...
Views: 496 Kannan Krishnamurty
Robotic Refueling Mission
Robotic Refueling Mission
What does it take to robotically refuel a satellite in space? The team of NASA's Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) have the answers -- along with a revolutiona...
Views: 0 TheRHGoddard
Leaflet: Past, Present, Future
Leaflet: Past, Present, Future
Leaflet, a JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps, has come a long way since its inception. The library started as a one-night hack and evol...
Views: 2399 Andrew Ross
World Environment Day 2014
World Environment Day 2014
UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner encourages everyone, everywhere to join this year's WED celebrations.
Views: 5247 UNEP
MIT student explains how curiosity saved his life
MIT student explains how curiosity saved his life
MIT graduate student Steven Keating shares how his innate curiosity shaped his personal experience as a cancer patient before, during, and after his 10-hour ...
Views: 8147 KochInstituteMIT
Flight Simulator FSX LearJet Arduino Cabin Pressure Panel- Part 1
Flight Simulator FSX LearJet Arduino Cabin Pressure Panel- Part 1
Finished off a bit more of the pressure panel so it displays reasonable cabin pressures from the FSX data. I still need to add the support for the encoders but this is a great start. I even...
Views: 1085 Eric William
블루투스 테이블 스피커 “소리도 인테리어 요소”
블루투스 테이블 스피커 “소리도 인테리어 요소”
무선 스피커 기능에 테이블 형태 디자인으로 인테리어 효과까지 노린 블루투스 스피커 테이블을 소개한다. 테이블 형태로 생긴 이 블루투스 스피커...
Views: 289 CNET KOREA
Accounting for Not for Profit Organizations
Accounting for Not for Profit Organizations
Accounting for Not for Profit Organizations.
Views: 850 Free PPT & PDF Manuals
Hangout with CERN special: beamline for schools 2015 competition (edit)
Hangout with CERN special: beamline for schools 2015 competition (edit)
Diffusé en direct le 4 déc. 2014 CERN is inviting high-school students aged 16 or older from anywhere in the world to submit a proposal to do an experiment w...
Views: 862 CERN
2013-06-13 TV-France3 - French - Cartographie
2013-06-13 TV-France3 - French - Cartographie
Aired on TV station France 3 - Copyrights belong to France 3. Used here as support for scientific education only.
Views: 330 HeleneCourtois
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