Videos uploaded by user “WhoIsKirk”, 1 to 20 of the (approximately) 20

Motovlog #20: Too much money!!!!
Motovlog #20: Too much money!!!! cost way to much for maintenance...I will definitely do it myself!

Intro: Cosmic Analog Ensemble - Naket Street
Views: 3 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #19: Weekend Warrior!
Motovlog #19: Weekend Warrior!
..talking about being a commuter or weekend warrior

Intro: Cosmic Analog Ensemble - Naket Street
Views: 11 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #18: Fix your bike & audio!
Motovlog #18: Fix your bike & audio!
more to come....

Intro: Cosmic Analog Ensemble - Naket Street
Views: 9 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #17: I am back!!!!!
Motovlog #17: I am back!!!!!
back to business as usual...more vids to come...quality will be much better on next video
Views: 6 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #16: Stop being Lazy!
Motovlog #16: Stop being Lazy!
Short video....basically I will be uploading more videos more frequently....stay tuned
Views: 32 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #15: Future GoKart Vlogger?
Motovlog #15: Future GoKart Vlogger?
Thought I would upload this fun video since I am in the process of editing thousands of hours of footage. Enjoy!
Views: 41 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #14: What is the Best Time of Day to Ride?
Motovlog #14: What is the Best Time of Day to Ride?
Topic of discussion: What time of day do you prefer? Sorry for the audio working out the kinks.
Views: 17 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #13: Revenge of the Newbie Part 6
Motovlog #13: Revenge of the Newbie Part 6
This is part of the main ride to the Group Ride meetup. There were about 70 riders of all kinds. Wonderful experience and more videos of this event will follow.
Views: 5 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #12: Revenge of the Newbie Part 5
Motovlog #12: Revenge of the Newbie Part 5
This is part of the main ride to the Group Ride meetup. There were about 70 riders of all kinds. Wonderful experience and more videos of this event will follow.
Song: 09 Who Gon Stop Me (Ft. Flux Pavillion)/Lucky Star Mix 2 (Daft Punk "Get Lucky" x Stevie Wonder "Another Star" Grammy Mash Up)
I do not own the rights to this song. Used strictly for recreation purposely. Thank you
Views: 8 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #11: Revenge of the Newbie Part 4
Motovlog #11: Revenge of the Newbie Part 4
This is the second part of the main ride to the Group Ride meetup. There were about 70 riders of all kinds. Wonderful experience and more videos of this event will follow.
Song: Outkast vs Deadmau5 - Ghosts Over Baghdad (DJ Ellipsis)/Robot Runnin' (Das Nibley Rework) - 2Pac vs. Biggie vs. Daft Punk/Finally Moving ( Pretty Lights x Jimi Hendrix x Lance Herbstrong Remix )/James Brown - Down and Out in New York City (Staint Remix)
I do not own the rights to this song. Used strictly for recreation purposely. Thank you
Views: 44 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #10: Revenge of the Newbie Part 3
Motovlog #10: Revenge of the Newbie Part 3
This is the first part of the main ride to the Group Ride meetup. There were about 70 riders of all kinds. Wonderful experience and more videos of this event will follow.
Song: Gorillaz Vs Marvin Gaye - Heard it thru the Feel Good Inc (by egon303)/Mashup-Germany vs. Lobsterdust vs. MashMike - Can't Hold Roboto/Will Smith vs Lovin' Spoonful - Summer Time (60's mashup) Wick-It
I do not own the rights to this song. Used strictly for recreation purposely. Thank you
Views: 32 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #9: Revenge of the Newbie Part 2
Motovlog #9: Revenge of the Newbie Part 2
This is the second part of the pre ride to the Group Ride meetup. There were about 70 riders of all kinds. Wonderful experience and more videos of this event will follow.
Song: Common - Universal Mind Control
I do not own the rights to this song. Used strictly for recreation purposely. Thank you
Views: 22 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #8: Revenge of the Newbie Part 1
Motovlog #8: Revenge of the Newbie Part 1
This is the pre ride to the Group Ride meetup. There were about 70 riders of all kinds. Wonderful experience and more videos of this event will follow.
Song: Childish Gambino - Heartbeat
I do not own the rights to this song. Used strictly for recreation purposely. Thank you
Views: 41 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #7: What about Group Rides?
Motovlog #7: What about Group Rides?
....can not wait for the weather to be perfect! Group Ride Rant!
Views: 20 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #6: Where have I been?
Motovlog #6: Where have I been?
Sorry for the sound...working on it :)
Views: 19 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #5: What is the right route?
Motovlog #5: What is the right route?
Need to get on the road again.
Views: 32 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #4: Daylight Saving and Blah Blah Blah
Motovlog #4: Daylight Saving and Blah Blah Blah
Dark mornings and bright evenings
Views: 19 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #3: Gas Prices?
Motovlog #3: Gas Prices?
Fuel effiecient is the key to not having your head explodefrom frustration.
Views: 21 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #2: Titanfall has Motorcycles?
Motovlog #2: Titanfall has Motorcycles?
Titanfall, commuting, fun times, etc.
Views: 23 WhoIsKirk
Motovlog #1: Bay Area Motorvlogger's First Vlog
Motovlog #1: Bay Area Motorvlogger's First Vlog
First dive into motovlogging. More to come.

Intro Music: Dirt Off Shoulder(8bit) - Jay Z by who originally got it from someone named Jesse Tugboat.
Views: 75 WhoIsKirk